Griffith Uplands

A Greater Madawaska Township 567.0-ha provincially significanat Life Science ANSI.

From the Ontario Biodiversity Explorer the ANSI is described as:

A wide band of marble bedrock extends in a north-south direction across the site and covering about 60% of the land base. On this grows a medium aged forest of Trembling Aspen, Red Oak and White Pine with extensive open bedrock clearings and rock barrens. It also supports several high-perched wetlands, a few of which (e.g. Jocko Lake) are in the granite area of the hill and support bog mats. Such wetlands are undoubtedly affected by the adjacent marble deposits and may support interesting flora. So too may the south-facing, warmer than normal marble barrens along the southern slopes of Godin and Spring Mountains. [Brunton 1990]

The site is entirely on Ground Moraine landform (Noble 1983). [Brunton 1990]

The site is like areas of Centennial Lake ANSI in supporting large, wild areas of dry land upland forest, but may be more significant than those areas of the Centennial Lake ANSI in that the Griffith site is less disturbed. [Brunton 1990]

The site is classified as Protection Forest and has no development within its boundaries, although a track extends northward onto the south slope of Godin Mountain. [Brunton 1990]

From the Ontario Crown Land Use Policy Atlas the ANSI is described as


The Griffith Uplands ANSI protects a typical forest of trembling aspen, red oak and white pine on open bedrock clearings and rock barrens. Cedar swamps and wetlands are also found in the site. Much of the area is underlain by igneous rock, but a wide band of marble bedrock extends in a north-south direction through the Griffith Uplands, adding diversity to the site.

The area has had relatively little past high intensity disturbance. There are no active mines or staked areas and hunt camps are not present on the site. The ANSI boundary includes portions of private land. Crown land zoning options and the regulation of land use will not apply to these lands. Recreational uses of the area include hunting, trapping, berry-picking, fishing, hiking, camping, ATV travel and snowmobiling. The municipal planning process will dictate how private lands within the Highlands are used in accordance with local Official Plans, Comprehensive Zoning By-laws and the Provincial Policy Statement.


Five provincially significant life science areas of natural and scientific interest (ANSI) were identified in the Madawaska Highlands Land Use Plan. They will be managed consistent with the Area Specific Management Strategies, and the policies and general intent of the land use plan, to protect their significant natural heritage values while allowing compatible uses. In general, resource activities are permitted in Resource Management Zones of the ANSIs, while in Core Protection Zones, forestry, mining and/or development of new roads is not permitted (except Darling permits sub-surface mining). Traditional uses such as hunting, trapping, hiking, and camping are permitted in ANSIs but off-road vehicles are restricted to designated trails (trappers excluded).