Centennial Lake

A Greater Madawaska Township 1563.1-ha provincially significant Life Science ANSI.

This 1563.1-ha Area of Natural and Scientific Interest includes a provincially significant aquatic complex and uncommon plants and regionally significant upland forest. Red and white pine, red oak and red maple dominate the marble-based uplands. Along the south shore and north of Mackie Creek are wetlands, small bogs, bog forests and small peatlands. Upland plants contain uncommon southern species such as New Jersey tea, Kalm's grass, Cooper's milkvetch, reflected rock-cress, woodland sunflower and balsam sagwort. Shoreline and aquatic plants contain the rare grass-leaved water plantain, long-stemmed waterwort, as well as rich mixtures of pondweeds.

See Ontario Crown Land Use Policy Atlas for additional information.